July 18, 2017
We do exercises sitting, standing and walking. This means that there is a sophrology exercise that you can do wherever you are and whenever you have a few spare moments. While on the train to work, in the office, while standing at the checkout in the supermarket, while waiting for a meeting to start,
while walking in nature, at home, in bed, on the beach, anytime, anywhere…
It is important to know that there are 5 main parts to every sophrology exercise. These parts can be shortened or lengthened to construct a sophrology exercise of anything from 3mins to 45mins.
The key techniques include a body scan, a tension release and breathing in energy into the cells of your body. Sometimes the sophrologist will use all of these and sometimes just one or two. Typically there is always a body scan.
This part is where the specific topic of each exercise e.g. relaxing physical and/or mental exercise is addressed. It varies greatly depending on the focus of the exercise.
In between each part there is a Sophro Integration Pause. This is the most important part of the exercise. During this pause we focus on the body, noticing all the physical sensations (warm/cold,
heavy/light, tingling/not tingling, tension/relaxation, etc.). The many benefits of the Integration pause include:
You develop concentration
You experience being in present time
You feel which parts of your body are tense or relaxed
Your body realizes it is being listened to
You become more aware of the body
You notice where and how the body expresses each emotion
You can make better decisions
Your physical and mental health improves
Activating 3 of our capacities. Then stretching, moving and opening the eyes.
After each exercise it’s recommended to write in your journal anything that stood out to you, anything that you experienced physically, mentally, emotionally, your thoughts and feelings. This helps to further integrate the experience.
The final result is feeling relaxed, happy, confident, calm, and ready to embrace your world in a whole new way.
All that’s left now is for you to try.
Try Sophrology today. Email me your question about sophrology and I’ll write my next blog post on your question. You’ll get a free sophrology exercise in your inbox straight away.
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